The Challenge

Evaluate Northern and Eastern Europe for expansion markets for a multinational sports marketing group. Conduct viability study to combat shrinking opportunities for growth in home markets in North America.

Our Methodology

Leading a team of five consultants, we examined a large eastern European country as an expansion market. This included a full evaluation of the market as well as determining revenue capacity and providing a risk assessment. Our team conducted exhaustive research of western companies that had previously ventured into the market in the preceding fifteen years. During our stay, we met with top executives of multinational companies to survey issues, problems and other concerns. Conducted survey of direct and leading competitors operating throughout the region.

The Results

The team determined there was a clear opportunity and demand for the product.  A staged market entry was recommended due to a number of inherent risks.  The multi-year plan was engineered to gauge the potential for a full market entry while limiting the financial exposure and minimizing fallout from any risks.

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